Move More in ’24!

Move More in ’24!

The theme for Bingocize NC in 2024 is Move More in ’24! We invite all facilities to incorporate this flyer into their promotion of Bingocize for residents. We all need to move more to be healthier. Move our body! Move our mind out of old stuck patterns. Set...

New Resource for Facility Leaders

We are happy to announce a video that will bring support to long-term care Bingocize NC leaders. This 6 minute video explains how to get started after you finish your online training. It is designed specifically for long-term care leaders and explains the differences...

What’s New with Bingocize NC?

Bingocize is getting great reviews from residents in long-term care facilities! The number of participating facilities is growing as is the number of participants. If you’d like to enroll your facility, it’s really easy! Here’s how: Review, complete...